Thursday, June 19, 2008


So I started working again this week....WOOF!
I'm not excited in the least. I don't think it will be too bad, it's just that right now everything is trying to get situated with the new owners and everything and it's kinda frusterating. I was speaking with the new owner yesterday and he was asking me when I would be working in the office. I told him that I would come down a couple times throughout the day but that the majority of my time would be spent at home. Well now he wants to know what hours specifically I will be workin in the office. I told him that it's hard to say right now because Aubri is not on a schedule, she is only a month old! Now, I don't know if she should be on a schedule by now but whatever. So now I'm perturbed. Oh well, it will all work itself out, it's just getting there that is lame.

So that brings me to my next topic...How do I get Aubri on a schedule?? I have noticed that if I feed her at 12am she will sleep until 5 or 5:30am, which is nice. But other than that, I just feed her when she wants and she sleeps when she wants and that is how life is going right now. I'm just not sure how to change all that around to a set schedule. Suggestions would be wonderful!!

As for Aubri, she is just growing and growing! Although she is still tiny!! She is just over a month old and is still wearing newborn outfits! I am exctied for her to get chubby rolls on her legs, that will be fun!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Woo Hoo!!...

Yay!! I finally have the internet in my home! After only a year and a month we have the internet and cable I can blog more!!!!

I will "go back to work" this Monday...however I will be working out of my apartment, life is good.

For all of you who are wondering Aubri is doing great!! We are still working on getting on an actual schedule. She eats about every 3 hours and has 1 sleeping spell that lasts about 5 hours sometime during the day or varies. She is so cute and is growing every day. I looked at her legs the other day and noticed some little rolls forming! I am so excited for her to get chubby! haha is that a good thing?? I want her to look like Jayci...She has giant legs and they are soooo cute I couldn't stop squeezing them last night when we went to Adam & Kari's house. Speaking of Jayci, she is getting so big!! Eating baby food and smiling and laughing! I can't believe she is 7 months now. Aubri will be 1 month tomorrow! Holy Cow!!!

The other day I went to Aunt Vals and my friend, (well, Sarah's friend, who also was my wedding planner) came over to take pictures of Aubri. She took some amazing shots and I totally love them!! You can see some of them on her blog at she is the coolest and is so talented in so many areas!!

Well, Sarah, I must thank you a million!! I LOVE THE MOBY!!! I have not used it a ton, but I have been using more and more lately. We walked to church last Sunday and I had her in the Moby all day, it was wonderful! So thanks a bunch!!!

well, sorry this blog is so short, but I have a hungry baby I must feed!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

3 Weeks...

It's insane how fast time flys by! I can't believe that my baby is already 3 weeks old!! I was talking to Chandler the other day and I told him, "Aubri is going to grow up so fast! Tomorrow you are going to wake up and she is going to be 6 months old and we will be in Cancun, then the next day you are going to wake up and she is going to be 1 year, then the next day you are going to wake up and she is going to be 13!!!" I literally almost started crying!! I like her the size she is now! But I also am excited for her to giggle, and walk, and be potty trained, and everything else that she will soon be able to do....I just don't want to forget how she is now...

She is so stinkin' cute!! At first we had a little trouble with the breastfeeding, but she quickly learned, and I quickly learned and now we are totally set on that subject. :)

Yesterday we took Aubri to her 1st doctor appointment. She is just a perfect little baby. She gained 1lb and grew 1/4 of an inch since birth.

Well, I better go, my baby is hungry and I am the only one who can feed her....sometimes I wish both parents were able to breastfeed...give the men a hint of what we go through, and give me a break at 4am!! yeah, that could be nice. :)