Tuesday, June 3, 2008

3 Weeks...

It's insane how fast time flys by! I can't believe that my baby is already 3 weeks old!! I was talking to Chandler the other day and I told him, "Aubri is going to grow up so fast! Tomorrow you are going to wake up and she is going to be 6 months old and we will be in Cancun, then the next day you are going to wake up and she is going to be 1 year, then the next day you are going to wake up and she is going to be 13!!!" I literally almost started crying!! I like her the size she is now! But I also am excited for her to giggle, and walk, and be potty trained, and everything else that she will soon be able to do....I just don't want to forget how she is now...

She is so stinkin' cute!! At first we had a little trouble with the breastfeeding, but she quickly learned, and I quickly learned and now we are totally set on that subject. :)

Yesterday we took Aubri to her 1st doctor appointment. She is just a perfect little baby. She gained 1lb and grew 1/4 of an inch since birth.

Well, I better go, my baby is hungry and I am the only one who can feed her....sometimes I wish both parents were able to breastfeed...give the men a hint of what we go through, and give me a break at 4am!! yeah, that could be nice. :)


Sarah said...

You are so cute !
I am sure you are the cutest mother! You and Aubri are going to get to learn all sorts of things together, the first is fun for that. Congrats again !
I Miss You & think of you often !
I am glad all is going well

Love ya

Trish Griffee said...

I was just watching old video today of KK at 3 years old...time flies even faster than you think. Cherish every second, even the bad ones. They all define who your are and even more importantly who your child will become. Glad you are doing so well.

Sprack Attack said...

Glad things are going well. Figuring all those things out the first time around is all sorts of fun, but it will be easier next time. Definately enjoy your time now, it does go so fast.

Tami said...

Yeah, you are getting a minute to post. They do grow up toooo fast, I can't even tell you how true your statement is. I am glad you all are doing well and that she is healthy! I can't wait to see you all again.

Anonymous said...

They do grow up so fast. Just take LOTS of pictures so you remember. I also started writing in a journal for Clara so that I can remember what she was like at each step.

Also, I still have a head band bow at my house that belongs to you.